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Revista Eletrônica de Potência (Brazilian Journal of Power Electronics)

Issue: Volume 24 - number 3
Publishing Date: setembro 2019
Editor-in-Chief: Marcello Mezaroba
Editor Affiliation: Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina - UDESC
Lucas Sangoi Mendonça, Fábio Ecke Bisogno
English Data


Keywords: Circuit Analysis, DC-DC Converters, Normalized Analysis, Resonant Power Conversion, State-Space Methods


This paper deals with a circuit modeling approach based on a normalization procedure in order to represent the system considering resonant parameters instead of real circuit parameters. The main advantages are the attainment of generalized solutions that do not depend on specifications, which allows the design of the converter without resorting to circuit level simulations. In this work, the fundamentals and the mathematical formulation of the normalized analysis are described. Furthermore, a multi-stage Class D-E DC-DC resonant converter is analyzed without simplifying assumptions used in other methodologies, such as, high loaded quality factor and fundamental component approximation. Experimental results are shown to verify the theoretical approach.


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