Institucional Revista Notícias Contato Acesso Associado

The Brazilian Power Electronics Society - SOBRAEP would like to Thank Prof. Thomas A. Lipo for his contributions to the Brazilian power electronics community

Sobre a Associação
29 . 05 . 2020

The Brazilian Power Electronics Society - SOBRAEP would like to Thank Prof. Thomas A. Lipo for his contributions to the Brazilian power electronics community

Between 1985 and 2002, Prof. Thomas A. Lipo supervised 5 Brazilian PhD students, with whom he published 40 articles of great international relevance, 16 of them in journals and 24 in conferences.

Until 2017, in the several times he was in Brazil, he participated in the main conferences during which he interacted with researchers from several Universities and regions of the country.

His technical excellence has established him as a technical consultant in the largest electric drives company in Brazil.

For this wide performance, either in the formation of specialists, or in the interaction with researchers, or in the performance with the productive sector, SOBRAEP highlights and praises the active exchange of its knowledge and friendship.  Thank you Dr. Lipo!

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